Team Responsibilities
CEO, Business Co-Owner & Board Representative
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Team Leader, and all Divisional Team Leaders to ensure projects and policy development programs are always meeting company policies and commitments.
Report progress and ongoing outcomes to board meetings and discuss required action plans where appropriate and necessary.
Ensure Ethical, Social Compliances and Sustainability team resources are supported and suitable to meet business needs.
Conduct ongoing engagement with Supply Chain Partners to ensure agreed goals and expected wins from both parties continue to benefit Supply Chain Workers over ongoing improvement programs.
Supply Chain Ethical Compliance & Environmental Management Team Leader
Work with the CEO and Divisional Compliance and Environmental Team Leaders to continue to develop programs and projects across Ethical Compliance and Environmental/Sustainability areas are identified as required to meet changing operations and circumstances across Supply Chains including the reviews and onboarding of Bangladesh and possible factory in India.
Ensure that all agreed programs and projects are implemented, monitored, and always reviewed, and to report to the CEO progress and operational additional requirements as identified.
Work with SEDEX Nationally and Internationally to engage with ongoing training and platform systems’ development/updates and to communicate these to the CEO and Divisional Team Leaders.
Work with ETI management and team resources management to ensure mandatory Corporate Transparency Reporting meets requirements including submission timeframes.
Engage with ETI training and development training resources and to report developments and additions to policies and requirements to the CEO and Divisional Team Leaders.
Work across SEDEX Platform and Divisional Team Leaders ensuring Factory Audits, Corrective Action Plans, and reported non-conformities are actioned and closed within required audit timeframes.
Provide Divisional Team Leaders and the CEO with monthly updates covering SEDEX Platform inclusive factories’ performance and to provide appropriate corrective Action Plans as required together with audit and SEDEX updates.
Provide Divisional Team Leaders and the CEO with Quarterly Reports covering SEDEX Platform risk assessments and action plans for factories where High Risks are evident.
Provide CEO and Divisional Team Leaders with Quarterly Reports covering SEDEX system-based gender outcomes for each factory with Action Plans where mitigation/improvement programs are required.
Work with the CEO and China Office Divisional Team Leader across the Workers’ Grievance reporting program “WE CARE: WE LISTEN”, and Worker Representatives to ensure that programs are meeting requirements to identify grievances and that any remediation programs are used effectively. Review requirements to extend this program across recently added Bangladesh factories and with 1 India based factory which is currently under review.
Work with the CEO and HR Divisional Team Leader to ensure adequate Responsible Sourcing policies and training are in place and always reviewed, including introduction of appropriate KPI’s into individual contracts with ongoing monitoring and reporting processes in place.
Work with Divisional Team Leaders to ensure onboarding of new factories’ policies and procedures are completed as required.
Operations Manager, China Office. Division Team Leader, Compliance & Environmental Programs
Work with and support Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader across development and implementation of identified Supply Chain Partners and Workers’ programs including Workers’ Representative, and Hotsprings’ “WE CARE: WE LISTEN” Workers’ Grievance Programs.
Work with and support Supply China Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader and Divisional Team Leader to ensure maintenance of Supply Chain Factories’ Audit booking programs, assistance with support to factories for CAPS (audit non-conformance) closing processes, and implementation of required audit inclusions in conjunction with Anker Living Wage calculations.
Support Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader, and Supply Chain Partner Factories to ensure successful SEDEX onboarding of new factories including engagement with SEDEX China Support Team to assist with SEDEX membership and completion of SAQs to 100% within one month of joining SEDEX.
Work with Supply Chain Partner Factories and Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Team Leader to ensure take-up of all SEDEX eLearning modules including management, supervisors, and Worker Representatives.
Work with Supply Chain Partner Factories and Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leaders to ensure all Supply Chain Partner Factories complete new SAQs annually.
Work with and support Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review any new required projects and to implement into Supply Chain Partner Factories as needed.
Conduct regular announced and unannounced factory compliance and safety inspections and to maintain up to date records and reports with appropriate ongoing improvements Action Plans with Quarterly Reports to Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader.
Work with factories’ Workers’ representatives across development and implementation of Workers’ Grievance reporting and incident programs.
Head of Operations P.E Nation, Division Team Leader, Compliance & Environmental Programs
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader with Group Head of People and Culture to introduce identified KPIs into employment contracts for Team Leaders and to assist with ongoing performance reviews and required remediation programs for all Team Members.
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to ensure required Factory Audits, Corrective Action Plans, and non-conformances are actioned and closed within required Audit Timelines with support from the China Division Team Leader Compliance and Environmental Programs.
Ongoing work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management and Team Leader with support from the China Division Team Leader’s Compliance and Environmental Programs to ensure new factories are onboarded as per company mandatory requirements, with supporting documentation to be had on accessible files.
Work with Division/Brand Team Members to ensure successful completion of SEDEX eLearning modules with required completed documentation copies to Ethical Compliance and Environmental Team Leader and China Division Team Leader Compliance and Environmental Programs for retention.
Meet with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Division Team Leader to review factories’ Audit Compliance status including CAPS closing progress, annual audit bookings and SEDEX membership. Follow up with agreed Action Plans where required.
Work with Supply Chain Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review outcomes from presented Quarter Risk and Gender SEDEX data and follow up agreed Action Plans and ongoing improvement programs.
Work with Supply Chain Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review Sustainability Programs and Projects to ensure commitment and progress to agreed and published performance goals.
Ongoing work with Divisional/Brand Team Members to ensure compliance to Responsible Sourcing training programs are met including biannual team reviews with Group Head of Culture and People.
Work across Brand Compliance Teams to ensure all requirements related to onboarding of new factories are implemented.
Rebecca Vallance Division Team Leader, Compliance & Environmental Programs
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader with Group Head of People and Culture to introduce identified KPIs into employment contracts for Team Leaders and to assist with ongoing performance reviews and required remediation programs for all Team Members.
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to ensure required Factory Audits, Corrective Action Plans, and non-conformances are actioned and closed within required Audit Timelines with support from the China Division Team Leader Compliance and Environmental Programs.
Ongoing work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management and Team Leader with support from the China Division Team Leader’s Compliance and Environmental Programs to ensure new factories are onboarded as per company mandatory requirements, with supporting documentation to be had on accessible files.
Work with Division/Brand Team Members to ensure successful completion of SEDEX eLearning modules with required completed documentation copies to Ethical Compliance and Environmental Team Leader and China Division Team Leader Compliance and Environmental Programs for retention.
Meet with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Division Team Leader to review factories’ Audit Compliance status including CAPS closing progress, annual audit bookings and SEDEX membership. Follow up with agreed Action Plans where required.
Work with Supply Chain Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review outcomes from presented Quarter Risk and Gender SEDEX data and follow up agreed Action Plans and ongoing improvement programs.
Work with Supply Chain Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review Sustainability Programs and Projects to ensure commitment and progress to agreed and published performance goals.
Ongoing work with Divisional/Brand Team Members to ensure compliance to Responsible Sourcing training programs are met including biannual team reviews with Group Head of Culture and People.
Work across Brand Compliance Teams to ensure all requirements related to onboarding of new factories are implemented.
Group Head of People & Culture
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review and update when necessary current Hotsprings & Brands Responsible Sourcing Manual and Policies to ensure compliance with ETI and Uniting Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP) Responsible Sourcing benchmarks and requirements, and report outcomes to the CEO and Divisional Team Leaders.
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader and Divisional Team Leaders to introduce identified KPIs into employment contracts and to conduct ongoing performance reviews and required remediation programs. Report Team Members’ status to the CEO biannually.
Work with Supply Chain Ethical Compliance and Environmental Management Team Leader to review team Responsible Sourcing requirements and to engage support training where required.